Runtime Errors

361. Microsoft Access Error 2159 Error 2159 There isn't enough memory to initialize the Print method or one of the report graphics methods (Circle, Line, PSet, Scale).@Close unneeded programs and try again to print or preview the report.For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft W
362. Microsoft Access Error 2162 Error 2162 A macro set to one of the current field's properties failed because of an error in a FindRecord action argument.@In the Macro window, change the Search As Formatted argument to Yes. If you want the argument setting to remain No, do all of the following: *
363. Microsoft Access Error 2163 Error 2163 The page number you used as an argument for the GoToPage action or method doesn't exist in this form.@@@1@1@3017@1.
364. Microsoft Access Error 2172 Error 2172 You can't use a pass-through query or a non-fixed-column crosstab query as a record source for a subform or subreport.@Before you bind the subform or subreport to a crosstab query, set the query's ColumnHeadings property.@@2@1@9979@1.
365. Microsoft Access Error 2193 Error 2193 The left margin, right margin, or both margins are wider than the paper size specified in the Print Setup dialog box.@@@1@@@1.
366. Microsoft Access Error 2197 Error 2197 You can't set a subform control's SourceObject property to a zero-length string if you're displaying the main form in Form view.@You can set this property to a zero-length string from Design view, Datasheet view, or Print Preview.@@1@@@1.
367. Microsoft Access Error 2239 Error 2239 Microsoft Office Access has detected that this database is in an inconsistent state, and cannot attempt to recover the database because the file is read-only. To allow Access to recover the database, close the database and set the file to read/write, and
368. Microsoft Access Error 2244 Error 2244 The file name you specified in the Picture property for a command button or toggle button can't be read.@* The file you specified may be corrupted. Restore the file from a backup copy or re-create the file.* The disk where the file is located may be unrea
369. Microsoft Access Error 2246 Error 2246 Application-defined or object-defined error.
370. Microsoft Access Error 2266 Error 2266 '|' may not be a valid setting for the RowSourceType property, or there was a compile error in the function.@For information on valid settings for the RowSourceType property, click Help.@@2@1@3853@1.
371. Microsoft Access Error 2276 Error 2276 The custom builder you're using caused an error by changing the focus to a different window while you were using it.@Enter a value without using the custom builder.@@1@@@1.
372. Microsoft Access Error 2280 Error 2280 You have added more output formats to the Windows Registry than Microsoft Office Access can initialize.@Some output formats will not be available. Remove those formats that you never or least often use.@@1@@@1.
373. Microsoft Access Error 2300 Error 2300 Microsoft Office Access can't output because there are too many controls selected that have different styles, such as color and font.@Select fewer controls, and then try again.@@1@@@1.
374. Microsoft Access Error 2305 Error 2305 There are too many columns to output, based on the limitation specified in the output format or by Microsoft Office Access.@@@1@@@1.
375. Microsoft Access Error 2306 Error 2306 There are too many rows to output, based on the limitation specified by the output format or by Microsoft Office Access.@@@1@@@1.
376. Microsoft Access Error 2307 Error 2307 Application-defined or object-defined error.
377. Microsoft Access Error 2319 Error 2319 Application-defined or object-defined error.
378. Microsoft Access Error 2329 Error 2329 To create a crosstab query, you must specify one or more Row Heading(s) options, one Column Heading option, and one Value option.@@@1@1@9980@1.
379. Microsoft Access Error 2331 Error 2331 You must enter Group By in the Total row for at least one of the Row Heading options you enter in the Crosstab row.@@@1@1@9980@1.
380. Microsoft Access Error 2335 Error 2335 You must specify the same number of fields when you set the LinkChildFields and LinkMasterFields properties.@You entered a different number of fields for one property than you did for the other.If you use the Relationships command (on the Database Tools t
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