Runtime Errors

1621. Microsoft Office Access can't create this relationship and enforce referential integrity Error 2650 Microsoft Office Access can't create this relationship and enforce referential integrity.@* The fields you chose may have different data types.* The fields may have the Number data type but not the same FieldSize property setting.@Try one of the following
1622. Microsoft Office Access can't delete all the records in the delete query Error 10518 Microsoft Office Access can't delete all the records in the delete query.@Microsoft Office Access didn't delete |2 record(s) due to key violations and |3 record(s) due to lock violations.For an explanation of the causes of the violation, click Help.@@2@1@
1623. Microsoft Office Access can't delete this column Error 7910 Microsoft Office Access can't delete this column.@Tables must have at least one column.@@1@@@1.
1624. Microsoft Office Access can't delete this index Error 7911 Microsoft Office Access can't delete this index.@This table participates in one or more relationships.@Delete its relationships in the Relationships window first.@1@@@1.
1625. Microsoft Office Access can't delete this relationship because you don't have the Data and Misc Error 7999 Microsoft Office Access can't delete this relationship because you don't have the Data and Misc. Objects checked out.@Check out the Data and Misc. Objects and then delete the relationship.@@1@@@1.
1626. Microsoft Office Access can't delete |1 after compacting it Error 2549 Microsoft Office Access can't delete |1 after compacting it. The compacted database has been named |2.@If you compact a database using the same name, Microsoft Office Access creates a new compacted database and then deletes the original database.In this c
1627. Microsoft Office Access can't delete |1 after decoding it Error 2551 Microsoft Office Access can't delete |1 after decoding it. The decoded database has been named |2.@If you decode a database using the same name, Microsoft Office Access creates a new decoded database, and then deletes the original database.In this case, h
1628. Microsoft Office Access can't delete |1 after encoding it Error 2550 Microsoft Office Access can't delete |1 after encoding it. The encoded database has been named |2.@If you encode a database using the same name, Microsoft Office Access creates a new encoded database, and then deletes the original database.In this case, h
1629. Microsoft Office Access can't display the Add-ins submenu Error 2087 Microsoft Office Access can't display the Add-ins submenu.@The Add-ins submenu expression '|' you entered exceeds the 256-character limit.@Shorten the macroname or functionname expression in the Menu Add-ins key of the Windows Registry setting, and then r
1630. Microsoft Office Access can't display the Database Properties dialog box Error 2561 Microsoft Office Access can't display the Database Properties dialog box.@@@1@@@1.
1631. Microsoft Office Access can't display the field for which you entered Where in the Total row Error 2320 Microsoft Office Access can't display the field for which you entered Where in the Total row.@Clear the Show check box for that field. If you want this field to appear in the query's results, add it to the design grid twice. For the field that will appear
1632. Microsoft Office Access can't display the same menu more than once in a menu bar Error 2089 Microsoft Office Access can't display the same menu more than once in a menu bar.@@@1@1@3704@1.
1633. Microsoft Office Access can't enforce referential integrity for this relationship Error 2649 Microsoft Office Access can't enforce referential integrity for this relationship.@Make sure the fields you drag are primary key fields or uniquely indexed and that the unique index or primary key is correctly set.If you want to create the relationship wi
1634. Microsoft Office Access can't establish a reference to the specified database Error 29030 Microsoft Office Access can't establish a reference to the specified database.@The referenced database can't be found, or it's locked exclusively by another user so it can't be opened.@Restore the referenced database from a backup copy or ask the user tha
1635. Microsoft Office Access can't find '| Error 8508 Microsoft Office Access can't find '|.'@The text string you entered in the Find What box can't be evaluated against the current field.@Reenter the text string so that it conforms to the data type of the field.@1@@@1.
1636. Microsoft Office Access can't find the Active Accessibility dynamic-link library (DLL) OleAcc Error 2808 Microsoft Office Access can't find the Active Accessibility dynamic-link library (DLL) OleAcc.@Rerun the Microsoft Office Access Setup program.@@1@@@3.
1637. Microsoft Office Access can't find the database '| Error 7870 Microsoft Office Access can't find the database '|.'@Check the database name (and path, if specified) to make sure you entered it correctly.@@1@@@1.
1638. Microsoft Office Access can't find the database containing the linked table '| Error 10019 Microsoft Office Access can't find the database containing the linked table '|.'@The properties set in Microsoft Office Access for the linked table will be lost.Do you want to continue with the conversion anyway?@@19@@@2.
1639. Microsoft Office Access can't find the database file '| Error 2043 Microsoft Office Access can't find the database file '|.'@Make sure you entered the correct path and file name.@@1@@@1.
1640. Microsoft Office Access can't find the dynamic-link library (DLL) Mso Error 7886 Microsoft Office Access can't find the dynamic-link library (DLL) Mso.@Rerun the Microsoft Office Access or Microsoft Office Setup program.@@1@@@3.
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